About Me

Benson (Buddy) Peter Toups III


Born in 1978, I spent my first few years in Raceland, Louisiana. Some time around my 4th birthday we moved to Upper Bayou Blue. Which I have called home for 24 years now. I attended Bayou Blue Elementary through 6th grade then procedded onto Raceland Junior High School. I spent my 7th grade year at RJHS prior to attending Vandebuilt Catholic Hight School for 8th and 9th grade. I then re-entered the public school system attending Central Lafourch High School where I would finish out my Secondary Education. After Graduating from High School in May of 1996 I enlisted in the Army National Guard. I spent 4 month at Fort Benings OSUT (One Station Unit Training) for Basic Training and Advanced individual Training. I was subsequenly discharged from the Guard for Medical Reasons. I then briefly attended University of Southwestern Louisiana (USL) which is now University of Louisiana at Lafayette (ULL). Followed by Nicholls State University which also lasted for a short time. My brief college career definitely helped me figure out what i didnt want to do! I then worked at H&R Block then Joan Toups Acct & Tax before finding my calling as an IT (Information Technology) Professional. I spent 6 years at Pride Offshore. During that time I was certified by Microsoft as a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer and by Cisco as a Cisco Certified Systems Engineer. I left Pride to take the position of IT Manager at PMI (Production Management Industries) in January of 2006.


While at USL I met my lovely bride Tammy Marie Terns. We met her first year in college (my second) but did not date (not that the attraction was not there). It wasn't until December 31st 2000 that we met up again at Paul Duplantis' Anual New Years Eve party. I would later find out that outside forces were working to set me an Tammy up together. It worked and I began courting my bride to be the following day. I proposed the following Chirstmas and she agreed. The wedding was set for the following year. We were wed on December 28th 2002. That was the day I found purpose and marked a turning point in my life. No longer were my proirties the same as the day before. It was some thing describe to my by my Father but I never understood. Like a light switch on and all fo a sudden it all became cleare what the "Meaning of Life" was. FAMILY Another change cam on June 28 2004 when my Son was born. Arguably the happiest day of my life to this point. That was motivator for me to get into Photography. I couldn't get enough of the little fellow and still can't to this day. (As the Photo Gallery on this site will attest to)

Other interests include Hunting, Fishing, Computer Gaming and all thing Computer Related. I hope to one day return to College to persue a degree in Computers.

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